So I just took a drug test for my new nanny job today.
Man, those specimen cups are small.
It's a part time job for 1 and 2 year old boys.
Oh, and they need someone to go with them to Italy in September or October.
I think I could be that someone.
We are starting to get involved in New Life Church. The people there are very friendly and we really like it.
I am hopefully going to be starting in an LTG (Life Transformation Group) soon. These groups are 2-3 people who meet during the week as a sort of accountability group/Bible study. Even though we aren't in an official place of ministry I don't want to be a mere bystander. I think this will be a really cool thing.
Small groups are also starting soon.
I'm finishing Erasing Hell by Francis Chan.
I think it is a must-read.
It is very good. Very challenging. Very honest.
Josh and I are still living with his Granny. Granny is eccentric sweet and has a plethora of expired food.
We will hopefully be in an apartment soon.
I'm really excited for that. I'm ready to be out of Granny's basement.
However, I don't want to waste these days looking ahead to the ones in the future.
Someday I will probably look back at these as some of my favorite days of my life.
