Monday, April 4, 2011

Soap Suds With the Savior

I hate doing dishes. There I said it. Old food is revolting and I always end up getting water all over myself and the floor no matter how careful I am. So usually after they have been stacked on the counter for way too long I drag myself over there, angrily position headphones in my ears and set to the offensive task. Somewhere between Hillsong United and Tenth Avenue North I discover I'm not alone. You always see those touching (and totally inaccurate) scenes where the guy and girl are washing dishes together just enjoying each other's company, well I wash dishes with Jesus sometimes. He stands there right beside me, just hanging out. I worship, (because what else can you do when Jesus is around?) and bask in the glory of Him. Man, am I glad that God tore down that temple veil. I need an unveiled Holy of Holies. I need encounters with God. I need direct access. I need Him to interrupt my day with His presence. I need His friendship, His communion, His...closeness. I still hate doing dishes, and Jesus shows up everywhere, not just the kitchen sink, but I love that I AM finds His way into the mundane Mondays of my life.


  1. :) Great post.... I have felt this way listening to worship music while driving, and I almost have to pull off the road. Jesus is :)

  2. Thank you. And yes...vehicles are great for devotions : )
