Friday, April 22, 2011


I absolutely love how no matter how smart you are about God, He keeps making truths real to you and causes it to settle deep in your heart. I was raised in a Christian family and I'd rehearsed all the lines, but He became real to me and I am constantly 'relearning', or maybe 'really learning', about Him. They are the "Aha!" moments in our Christian walk.

These are two truths that I've known but that recently Jesus has been showing me in a totally new way.

At the cross when Jesus died, there was an unfair trade. There wasn't some hocus-pocus, God-magic done so that He could ignore our sins. God made Jesus to become sin (our sin) so that we could have the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21) Two things happened at the cross, God took away our sins and He gave us His righteousness. I guess I always thought that since I had begged God enough that He would just let my sin slide, but God is holy and just, He can't let sin slide. So God poured out all of His hatred and wrath for sin on Jesus so that we could be righteous. The reality is when I stand before God I am going to be perfectly right. Not because of anything at all that I did or did not do, but because of grace.

(Louie Giglio's Grace DVD it)

Also, I am so glad that God is bigger than me.

He is bigger than me and my small mind, my opinions and my way of thinking. He's also bigger than you. He is bigger than age, skin colors, languages, time, music genres, and cultures. He is bigger than preaching styles, prayer styles, and clothing styles. He is the God of the Democrat and the Republican. He is the God of the Calvinist and the Arminian. He is the God of the drum-beating African and the banjo-picking Texan. He is the God of the prayer-capped and the tattooed. He's bigger than it all.

If you think I am ignoring John 14:6 or advocating "everyone is going to Heaven" thinking then you missed the point. I just know that I don't have it all figured out and you don't either. We continually seek truth and follow in what we know to be right, and I'm so glad that the ticket to Heaven isn't labeled "Has All The Answers Correct" but rather "Accepted God's Grace".

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

So I would like to get in better shape.

And before anyone starts the whole "You are so skinny, you don't need to lose weight" thing...
I would just like to exercise more and eat better.

Rather than force myself to eat healthy things that I hate, I have been trying to find healthy things that I actually like. This is my absolute favorite.
I'm sure this salad is not original with me but I haven't seen it anywhere yet.

Feta cheese

I prefer iceberg lettuce, but have used romaine as well.
I also prefer roma tomatoes.
I have used Goat Cheese and even Light Feta Cheese and liked those as well.
I haven't used any dressing on it, partly because I think that would overpower the rest of the salad and because I don't want the calories. But, I'm sure there is something that would be good on it.

I eat this salad almost every day and sometimes more than once. It's so good.
And even though I use a lot of cheese it sure beats my usual frozen pizza.

So I haven't figured out how to take beautiful food pictures like my friend Kelly.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Give me that old

Sunday was "Old-fashion Sunday" at our church.

There were pilgrims, Indians and lots of bib overalls.

This is what we looked like.

My grandparents have an old picture like this one, so we thought it would be fun.

And of course whenever you take pictures you have to make some black & white.

I learned that red lipstick is very high-maintenance and, after hours of styling and lots of hairspray, I realized how glad I am that simple pony-tails are permissible in our current society.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Making My Mother Proud

So yesterday I decided to go against my very nature and try planting something. (Get it? Nature...gardening.)

I bought some seed packets a little garden shovel (which I discovered is actually called a 'trowel', who knew?)

I have no idea how to plant flowers. I just read the back of the packets.
I mean how do I measure 1/4 inch underground?

Despite the fact that my flowers will likely never bloom, the weather was really nice and it was relaxing.

I took pictures because that seemed to be the thing to do on this momentous occasion.

Proof that I actually did something.

Yup, that's what the ground looks like. Exciting huh?

Greasy bangs are allowed ok?

Mom, please know that you haven't completely failed me. I may just become a woman yet.

Monday, April 4, 2011


I love them.

They are beautiful and picturesque; they lift my soul.

I will never write the way I want to.

I will never stop trying.

Soap Suds With the Savior

I hate doing dishes. There I said it. Old food is revolting and I always end up getting water all over myself and the floor no matter how careful I am. So usually after they have been stacked on the counter for way too long I drag myself over there, angrily position headphones in my ears and set to the offensive task. Somewhere between Hillsong United and Tenth Avenue North I discover I'm not alone. You always see those touching (and totally inaccurate) scenes where the guy and girl are washing dishes together just enjoying each other's company, well I wash dishes with Jesus sometimes. He stands there right beside me, just hanging out. I worship, (because what else can you do when Jesus is around?) and bask in the glory of Him. Man, am I glad that God tore down that temple veil. I need an unveiled Holy of Holies. I need encounters with God. I need direct access. I need Him to interrupt my day with His presence. I need His friendship, His communion, His...closeness. I still hate doing dishes, and Jesus shows up everywhere, not just the kitchen sink, but I love that I AM finds His way into the mundane Mondays of my life.