Christmas 2011
It was probably one of my favorite Christmases so far.
It would take forever to try to tell everything so here are some of my favorite things.
The David Crowder Band Oh For Joy CD
Josh's dad got us a really nice TV which is awesome because our 25" box TV is annoying as could be.
My mom paid for us to go snowboarding, she also got us some really nice sheets, and a gift card to H&M, where I bought a beautiful coat.
Sarah got me a really hot grey pencil skirt. (H&M)
Caleb sent us girls beanies that his friend made, they're pretty rad.
Josh's mom gave us gift cards, and I love gift cards.
Josh gave me Toms, and an Xbox game (which is funny because I sold the Xbox to buy Josh a PS3), and an iPod dock.
And my favorite gift was the PS3 I got for Josh. :)
Yes, every year I overspend on Josh because I love his ridiculous cute reactions.
It was really fun.
We all went snowboarding, which was also super fun. : )
Opening presents at the Wegener house is always chaos.

Josh was definitely the best entertainment all week. He loved Jordan, and all his gifts.
We went shopping, of course, for hours and hours.
I think Jordan kind of looks like me and my sisters.
There were 5 of us girls, plus Will, Josh, and Matt. We kind of invaded the mall.
Jordan wanted to borrow our clothes, I think she turned out pretty cute. :)
Josh and his beard
We played a lot of board games.
And a lot of Words by Post and other games on our iPods and phones.
Yeah. Christmas was pretty great.
I had so much fun with all of my many families.
Every Christmas I'm afraid that I've heard the story of Jesus too many times and that it won't touch me the same way it has in years past, or that I won't learn anything new from it.
But every year, there is another part of the mystery of grace that astounds me.
Every year I am amazed that God came to be with us.
Every year I realize that my relationship with Christ will never get old.
And that makes every Christmas amazing.