Monday, February 28, 2011


Alexithymia; it literally means "without words for emotions". It's a personality trait where a person has difficulty verbalizing feelings.
I think I have this.
Talking is so hard. Especially on the spot. I mean, writing out something full of emotion, no problem, but actually talking about something way.

Alexythymia is also a song by the band Anberlin.
A line in that song says "There's more to living than being alive". Jesus said that He came that we may have life, and have it more abundantly. I don't understand Christians that act like they have nothing to live for and that life is a drudgery. Christians should be the most alive people alive. Jesus makes my life beautiful and exciting, He has allowed me to be married to my favorite person in the world and I have no complaints.

This is how excited I am about life